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An "entrypoint" is any HTML, JS, or CSS file that needs to be bundled and included with your extension, which will be loaded and executed by the browser.

Defining Entrypoints

In WXT, you create an entrypoint by adding a file to the entrypoints/ directory.

└─ entrypoints/
   ├─ background.ts
   ├─ content.ts
   ├─ injected.ts
   └─ popup.html

Some entrypoint filesname patterns are reserved by WXT and effect how the manifest is generated.

  • popup adds an action to the manifest
  • background adds a background script/service worker
  • *.content.ts adds a content script
  • ...

For a full list of recognized filenames, see the the Entrypoints Directory guide.

Any other files, whether JS, CSS, or HTML, is considered "unlisted". Unlisted files, like injected.ts from above, are just bundled to the output directory and not added to the manifest. You can still access or load them at runtime.

Entrypoint Options

Most entrypoints allow customizing their options in the file you define them in. This differs from regular web extension development, where all options are placed in the manifest.json.

WXT looks for custom options in the entrypoint, and adds them to the manifest when generated.

In HTML files, options are listed as meta tags:

    <!-- Defining the popup's "default_icon" field -->
    <meta name="manifest.default_icon" content="{ '16': '/icon/16.png' }" />

In TS files, options are apart of the file's default export:

export default defineContentScript({
  matches: ['*://**'],
  runAt: 'document_start',
  main() {
    // ...


All options for each entrypoint type is listed in the entrypoints directory docs.