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wxt submit init

Alias for publish-browser-extension


  $ wxt submit init

  -h, --help                                     Display this message 
  --dry-run                                      Check authentication, but don't upload the zip or submit for review 
  --chrome-zip [chromeZip]                       Path to extension zip to upload 
  --chrome-extension-id [chromeExtensionId]      The ID of the extension to be submitted 
  --chrome-client-id [chromeClientId]            Client ID used for authorizing requests to the Chrome Web Store 
  --chrome-client-secret [chromeClientSecret]    Client secret used for authorizing requests to the Chrome Web Store 
  --chrome-refresh-token [chromeRefreshToken]    Refresh token used for authorizing requests to the Chrome Web Store 
  --chrome-publish-target [chromePublishTarget]  Group to publish to, "default" or "trustedTesters" 
  --chrome-skip-submit-review                    Just upload the extension zip, don't submit it for review or publish it 
  --firefox-zip [firefoxZip]                     Path to extension zip to upload 
  --firefox-sources-zip [firefoxSourcesZip]      Path to sources zip to upload 
  --firefox-extension-id [firefoxExtensionId]    The ID of the extension to be submitted 
  --firefox-jwt-issuer [firefoxJwtIssuer]        Issuer used for authorizing requests to Addon Store APIs 
  --firefox-jwt-secret [firefoxJwtSecret]        Secret used for authorizing requests to Addon Store APIs 
  --firefox-channel [firefoxChannel]             The channel to publish to, "listed" or "unlisted" 
  --edge-zip [edgeZip]                           Path to extension zip to upload 
  --edge-product-id [edgeProductId]              Product ID listed on the developer dashboard 
  --edge-client-id [edgeClientId]                Client ID used for authorizing requests to Microsofts addon API 
  --edge-client-secret [edgeClientSecret]        Client secret used for authorizing requests to Microsofts addon API 
  --edge-access-token-url [edgeAccessTokenUrl]   Access token URL used for authorizing requests to Microsofts addon API 
  --edge-skip-submit-review                      Just upload the extension zip, don't submit it for review or publish it